THE Oxfordshire branch of the British Red Cross celebrated its centenary yesterday by launching a new appeal to raise £25,000.

The charity, which was started by a handful of compassionate women in Oxford 100 years ago, is making a plea for new members and cash to ensure its future.

The emergency service has provided key help to residents in times of need since it began on September 28, 1909.

Yesterday, dignitaries from across Oxfordshire paid tribute to the charity at its Abingdon headquarters.

Oxfordshire High Sheriff Richard Dick, pictured trying out one of the charity’s ambulance chairlifts, said the service was invaluable.

He said: “In these days of logos, the British Red Cross must be the most iconic charity symbol.

“I’m struck by the work the charity does locally and how much effort is put in by the volunteers.

“It’s not an easy time to raise money and I wish them the best of luck, I’m sure it will be a success.”

Lawrence Lee, president of the Oxfordshire British Red Cross, added: “We’re thrilled to have reached this milestone.

“Throughout the years there has been a myriad of achievements by the Oxfordshire branch.”