It is typical of soldiers like Simon Hall to play down their crucial roles in Afghanistan.

The 37-year-old Royal Logistic Corps officer based at Vauxhall Barracks in Didcot was one of 100 soldiers decorated for gallantry.

But despite dicing with death on a daily basis, clearing roadside bombs and explosive devices, the father-of-one said it was all in a day’s work.

The work of our boys in Afghanistan is rarely out of the news. Indeed, another British serviceman was due to be repatriated today.

In truth, every single soldier serving overseas deserves to be honoured for the work they do.

A select few are awarded bravery medals, but the fact remains tens of thousands more go about their business without recognition.

Whatever your view on the merits of our involvement in Afghanistan, it is difficult not to sympathise with the job the men and women out there on our behalf are undertaking.