A 23-year-old man has today been sentenced at Oxford Crown Court to six years in prison, after he pleaded guilty to a robbery in Blackbird Leys in April this year.

Christopher De Banks, of Blackbird Leys Road, robbed what is now known as the Oxford Supermarket in Pegasus Road at knifepoint on 27 April.

Det Con Craig Burchall, who investigated the case, said: “This is a substantial sentence for a violent robbery against a local shop, which is trying to serve the community of Blackbird Leys.

“This was a mindless act for what was only £90, and this young man will now face a lengthy spell in prison.

“There was a lot of local support and help to catch De Banks, and everyone I spoke to was appalled by what had happened.

“The sentence reflects the seriousness of the offence, and the police and courts will not tolerate our local businesses being targeted in this way.”