TWO drug dealers caught on an Oxford estate with thousands of pounds worth of cocaine have been jailed for a total of 14 years.

Naseer Mohammed, 27, and Ramaaz Farooq, 21, were stopped by police in Lydia Close, Barton, in the early hours of September 9 last year.

When officers searched the men’s Peugeot 406 they found 115g of cocaine.

The drug had a street value of between £4,000 and £6,000, a trial at Oxford Crown Court heard.

On Friday, a jury unanimously found both men guilty of possession of class A drugs with intent to supply.

Sentencing the pair, the Recorder, John Ryder, told them: “Your motivation to behave in this way was purely selfish and purely for profit.

“I’m quite satisfied that you, Mohammed, are an established drug dealer. The effrontery of your lying to this jury defies belief. It demonstrates a total lack of remorse.”

The court was told that detectives had traced the men’s movements in the hours leading up to their arrest and found that they had driven north from London to Derby, then had returned south to Oxford.

They were arrested after they were pulled over by police officers carrying out a routine stop check.

Nikki Duncan, prosecuting, told the court that when the car was searched, plastic film and paper were found discarded on the floor, which officers believed would have been used to wrap individual drug deals.

Hayfever tablets, which officers said were often crushed and used by drug dealers to mix with cocaine to reduce its purity, were also retrieved, the court heard.

Mr Ryder sentenced Farooq, of Beaufort Close, in Woking, Surrey, to six years’ imprisonment and Mohammed, of Pollard Road, also in Woking, to eight years.