SECONDARY school pupils in west Oxfordshire are the first in the county to get hands-on lessons about saving energy thanks to a visit from an Energy Bus.

West Oxfordshire District Council joined forces with the south Oxfordshire-based Northmoor Trust to take the bus to two schools.

It will be officially launched by the trust on Thursday, but pupils at Burford School have been given a sneak preview and boarded the bus to get to grips with the environmental and climate change-related equipment and information.

The bus will also make a stop at the Marlborough School, in Woodstock, on Wednesday, before the launch.

The vehicle has a working wind turbine, solar panels and a bicycle-powered generator.

Pupils can also test themselves to see how much they know about ways to cut energy consumption, along with advice and tips on doing more.

District councillor David Harvey said: “We’re delighted to be working with the trust to bring this exciting learning tool to schools in our district. The hands-on equipment provides a fun and exciting way for young people to learn about important issues, such as saving energy, reducing waste and raising awareness about climate change, which is all vital in protecting our environment for the future.”

The project has been funded by Oxfordshire County Council and npower, the owner of Didcot power station. Schools which would like a visit from the bus should call Janet Payne on 01865 409406 or email