STANLEY Garrod worked hard to keep Oxford clean and tidy for 14 years as the city council’s chief environmental health officer.

Now he has been praised for the way he tends his own back garden in this year’s Oxford in Bloom competition.

Mr Garrod, 84, of Tree Lane, Iffley, is sharing the gold award in the Best Kept Large Back Garden category with pensioners Harold and Barbara Chilvers, of Sandfield Road, Headington.

Mr Garrod said: “I won two silver awards last year – one for the same category and another as a first-time entrant, so I’m delighted to go one better this year and share first prize with Mr and Mrs Chilvers.

“I retired in 1985 after 14 years as chief environmental health officer, but I have been keen on gardening since we moved to the house 33 years ago.

“My wife Gwen, who is 84, helped me to plot out the garden when we first moved into the house.

“The garden is divided up into four different sections with perennial borders and there are apple trees and a plum tree.

“My apple trees have been doing reasonably well but I haven’t had much luck with my Victoria plums.”

Mr Garrod said his back garden measured about 150ft by 30ft.

He added: “One of my favourite things in the garden is the lawns and I make sure the edges are cut short.

“I make sure the garden is weed-freeand I think the judges noticed how tidy everything is.

“There are two seating areas, including one on the patio next to the house and I do get to sit down occasionally and read the paper, but as soon as I do, I see a job that needs to be done.

“It’s a very relaxing garden and we’re lucky that it’s surrounded by so many tall fir trees, which shelter it.

“I’m a very keen delphinium grower and I have more than 200 in my garden of all different colours – cream, white, pink and blue.

“Our garden is quite high maintenance. I’m getting ready to plant pansies, wallflowers and primroses for the winter.”

Mr and Mrs Garrod have a son Dane, 62, daughter Nicola, 46, and three grandsons.

There were more than 600 entries in this year’s Oxford in Bloom competition, which is run by the city council’s parks department and backed by the Oxford Mail.

More than 250 gardeners attendedth presentation ceremony at Roman Way Sports and Social Club, in Cowley, which was hosted by broadcaster Wesley Smith.

Oxford’s Lord Mayor Mary Clarkson gave out the prizes.