CONTRACTORS replacing the Wolvercote Viaduct on the A34 near Oxford say the massive project is a month ahead of schedule.

The £44m scheme, which started in March last year, reaches a new milestone tomorrow when traffic will use the newly-built northbound carriageway for the first time.

Project manager Darren Dobson said: “We are about four weeks ahead of schedule and bang on budget.

“One of our main aims has always been to replace the existing viaduct with as little disruption as possible.

“During the day, we always try to keep two lanes open in each direction.

“Technically, this is a challenging project because we are spanning the railway line and the A40, but we have been very successful in terms of limiting disruption and we have regular meetings with local residents.

“We have achieved a great deal in the past year and over the next two months we will start to demolish the old southbound bridge.

“Opening the new northbound carriageway for the first time is a key milestone for us and we are on schedule to finish the entire project by June next year.”

Following the completion of the new northbound carriageway, there are two narrow lanes in each direction with a 40mph speed limit.

Southbound traffic will continue to use a temporary carriageway while the old southbound structure is demolished and a new one built.

James Wright, a spokesman for the Highways Agency, said: “This is an innovative design project and we are delighted that it is a month ahead of schedule.

“The waterproofing on the old road had begun to fail and by replacing it now we will be able to keep maintenance closures to a minimum in future.”

The new northbound carriageway will come into use at 5am tomorrow.

Highways Agency project manager Ian Johnson added: “We can now turn to demolishing and rebuilding the southbound carriageway.

“For drivers’ own safety, and that of the workforce, we ask road users to take extra care when driving through the work area.”

A public meeting to update residents on the scheme is being held at Wolvercote Young People’s Club, in St Peter’s Road, Wolvercote. on Tuesday, October 13, starting at 7pm.