POPE Benedict XVI is “very likely” to become the first Pontiff in history to visit Oxford when he tours Britain next year, church leaders said last night.

He will reportedly explore the city’s strong links with the Ven John Henry Newman, the leader of the influential Oxford Movement who is tipped to be made a saint next year.

Supporters said a visit would be a wonderful day for the city – and could attract tens of thousands of people and boost the economy by millions of pounds.

Government sources leaked documents about the proposed tour on Tuesday. It would be the first Papal visit to Britain since 1982 and is expected to take place next autumn.

Other cities on the draft itinerary include London, Birmingham and Edinburgh.

Peter Jennings, press secretary to the Archdiocese of Birmingham which covers Oxfordshire, said: “Pope Benedict XVI has a life-long interest in John Henry Newman and a visit to Britain has been discussed for more than a year now.

“Given Cardinal Newman’s strong links to Oxford, I would say a Papal visit to the city is very likely.”

City Catholic churches welcomed the planned visit.

Fr Daniel Seward, parish priest at The Oxford Oratory, in Woodstock Road, said: “It would be a great moment in the life of not only Catholics, but the whole city. It would bring great encouragement to Christians everywhere.”

Fr John Moffat, from the Catholic Chaplaincy at Oxford University, said: “It would be a wonderful opportunity to bring everybody together.”

City council spokesman Louisa Dean said: “The Pope’s visit could bring in millions of pounds to the city’s economy.”

The council’s cultural development manager Colin Reid, said: “It would be fantastic. It would be a boost to the economy as many people could make a holiday out of the visit.”
