A WASTE worker has been fined for dumping rubbish in a lane.

Victoria Pengelley-Loraine, 36, dumped five large builders’s bags of construction waste, double glazed window units and door frames, mattresses and cardboard boxes on the Ridgeway, at Hackpen Hill, near Childrey.

Pengelley-Loraine, of Great Shefford, in Berkshire, admitted at Didcot Magistrates’ Court two charges of failing to deal properly with controlled waste and was fined £130 plus £115 costs.

Magistrates heard an environment officer traced the waste back to an address in Hungerford. He was informed the householder had made a private arrangement with Pengelley-Loraine, who had already collected some bulky waste from the property on behalf of the waste management organisation she worked for.

However, Pengelley-Loraine never returned to collect the remaining money she was owed or the leftover waste.

The rubbish that had been collected was then found dumped on the Ridgeway.

Pengelley-Loraine admitted on Monday she had not been a registered carrier of the waste, as required by law. She said she had intended to take it to the recycling centre, but a personal issue prevented.

Environment warden Colin Marshall said: “While we appreciate circumstances sometimes make life difficult for people there is really no excuse for dumping rubbish which not only blights the landscape but also costs significant time and money to clear up.”