OFSTED inspectors have rated Chilton Primary School outstanding for the first time.

Inspectors visited the 220-pupil school in July, and have now reported back that standards and teaching are consistently high.

One pupil was quoted as saying: “I don’t understand why there have to be school holidays, I love school so much.”

The official report said: “Pupils of all abilities are consistently helped to reach extremely high levels of academic achievement and are supported in becoming happy, confident, caring individuals.

“Behaviour throughout the school is exemplary and relationships are excellent.”

The inspectors said that teaching at the school was outstanding, and the curriculum excellent.

Its previous report in 2006 described the school as “good”.

Headteacher Christine Dunsdon said: “It’s been hard work and a gradual process.

“We’ve been working towards this ever since I’ve been headteacher here.

“Things have gradually improved and gradually moved forwards. We have a really excellent teaching team here now.

“The secret is to make the school a motivating place to be. Pupils enjoy the education and teachers enjoy teaching.”