We all dream of something that looks unattainable, whether it be a holiday, a car or a trip into space. But few of us actually do something about it, tending to be content with our lot rather than actually setting out to make that dream become a reality as quickly as possible.

Not so Chrissi Sharkey. In fairness, as a married mother of two young children and with a good job teaching textiles to GCSE and A-Level students she was quite happy.

Then, one day, she saw the home of her dreams. The Kennington property was everything she had ever wanted for her family. But there was just one problem — it cost £1m and she did not have that kind of money.

Undeterred, she thinking about how she could possibly raise the cash as quickly as possible.

She said: “I don’t have a £1m skill but I often do jobs for friends and family and have always been creative and done things a little differently.

“When I had children I organised themed birthday parties and people would then ask me to do things like a cake for them.”

Then it dawned on her — she should cash in on her ability to turn her hand to many things, as well as being a natural multi-tasker, to start her own business. The result is aMillionJobstoDo.

Based on the Internet, people contact her through the website and can suggest any task they need doing and how much they are prepared to pay for it.

This could be something as small as sewing on a button for £1 or sending a large mail-out for a higher fee.

Other typical tasks incude event planning such as weddings, catering, personal shopping T-shirt printing and jewellery making.

A recent job has been running a petition for retired architect Nigel Cowell, as he battled to save a bungalow he had built in his Marston back garden without planning permission.

Ms Sharkey said: “I designed and distributed leaflets and collected feedback in a ballot box which went to the high court as part of the appeal process.”

To give an idea of the diversity of the business, another customer from Wales wanted dragon-themed designs for baby clothing.

In the first seven weeks, the business generated £4,200 and the website had thousands of unique users. While it may be a long way from the £1m target, it is still a very good start.

Crucial to the early success of the business has been the Internet. Ms Sharkey is extremely active on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

At first her immediate circle of friends and family were using her services, but because of the nature of the networking, it was not long before her name and business spread far and wide.

“I have made some baby blankets for friends of friends and have joined quite a few groups through Facebook.”

The former Peers School pupil gained a degree studying footwear at Leicester’s De Montfort University before returning home, and then took a PGCE course at Burton University which paved the way for her to teach textiles. Now she teaches part-time at Matthew Arnold School in Botley, while also caring for daughter Deluca, three, and 18-month-old son Rocco.

She appreciates running a business such as this could become time consuming but has already roped in friends and family with differing skill sets to help, providing a broader range of services.

Husband Jason is an electrician and is also a useful handyman, so he is being roped in, although he is also having to increase his child care duties.

Ms Sharkey said: “He sent me an e-mail the other day offering £25 to clean the house!”

Mother Mary Chick is an accountant, while stepfather Bob Chick is an engineer and designed the ballot box used for the home survey in Marston.

“In the long-term, I am hoping to pass jobs on and charge a small finder’s fee,” said Ms Sharkey.

But realistically, she realises that if the business continues to grow at its current rate, she is going to have to re-evaluate her career.

“I love teaching but at some point I will have to make a decision whether or not I can continue doing it.”

At the moment, however, she is enjoying the the variety of work and so far has not had too many silly requests, or been forced to turn work down because it would be too time consuming, or not enough cash has been offered.

As for reaching her long-term goal of buying that £1m home in Kennington, it remains a dream for now, even though the property is still on the market more than a year after Ms Sharkey first saw it.

Perhaps she will never reach the £1m but as she says: “At the level the business has started, it is providing an amazing second income.”

Contact: Chrissi Sharkey, 07958 916002.

Web: www.amillionjobstodo.com