A STATE-of-the-art data centre for the IT and telecoms business bm-it based at Bloxham Mill Business Centre is being officially opened by Tony Baldry MP today (September 24).

The bm-it data centre will house customer servers from a variety of business types. It aims to provide a high-quality service for businesses in Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, the West Midlands, Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire.

Colin Deamer, sales director of bm-it, said: “Demand for data centres is accelerating due to the rapid and continued growth of e-business.

“Bloxham Mill Business Centre is home to more than 47 businesses, which range from recruitment companies to an international gaming design company. They all have one thing in common — a need to ensure that their database and computer records are kept in a completely safe and secure environment. Second to its employees, a business’s data is probably its most valuable asset.”

For further information about the data centre call Ray Avery or Colin Deamer on 01295 722800 or visit the website: www.bm-it.co.uk