Sir – Presumably John Mills (letter, September 17) is not aware that the “cheap” full linking of the partial exit/entrance to the A34 at Lodge Hill is not in the gift of any of the local councils (town, district or county). It is in the gift of the Highways Agency, which, for several years, has refused their requests that this be done.

Given the current volume of long-distance traffic using the A34 (and more being predicted), their argument, that more ‘local’ traffic on the A34 will make matters considerably worse, should be listened to with an open mind. Therefore it is not a question of “folly” or lack of “forethought” by the local councils.

The problems of town centre traffic in Abingdon are common to most market towns with medieval street patterns, compounded in Abingdon’s case by there being only one bridge over the Thames.

Incidentally, as a resident living in the town centre, I do not believe the traffic to be so overwhelming other than, perhaps, at peak times. A problem which could be cheaply solved overnight by wide use of flexi-time working.

John Woodford Abingdon