Sir – Irene Gill (letter, September 10) is wrong to suggest that CPRE is objecting to the proposed wind turbine at Horspath on ‘aesthetic grounds’. Personally, I too regard them as beautiful objects, but only when they are situated in the right place.

Horspath is not the right place for a wind turbine — it is on the edge of the Oxford Green Belt (designed to prevent urban sprawl and protect the open character of the landscape), and close to the nationally designated Site of Special Scientific Interest at Shotover Country Park. It would seriously damage the landscape amenity of this part of the city — which we all enjoy. However, I am pleased that Irene Gill agrees with CPRE’s suggestion that we need an informed debate about on-shore wind turbines and their downsides in environmental terms, and that the Horspath proposal needs to be properly assessed.

I am also pleased she recognises that at the heart of CPRE’s policy on energy is the “need to reduce consumption of power”. CPRE has for a long time been urging local authorities to minimise street lighting.

This would have the added benefit of reducing light pollution (CPRE satellite data shows that light pollution is rapidly increasing in the South East, leaving less and less countryside where we can appreciate the night sky — according to this data, there are no dark skies left in Oxfordshire).

Helena Whall Campaign manager, CPRE Oxfordshire