THE mother of a woman killed in a car crash is questioning why the driver convicted of her death was allowed out of jail after two years.

Nolan Haworth, 21, was jailed for four years at Oxford Crown Court in September 2006 for causing Dr Margaret Davidson’s death on the A4260, near Deddington.

Haworth, formerly of Ribston Close, in Banbury, was released on licence in November last year.

But he was arrested in June and returned to prison to serve the rest of his sentence after failing to attend meetings with his probation officer.

Dr Davidson’s mother, Elizabeth Davidson, said: “It seems normal procedure to let anyone out halfway through their sentence and I’ve never quite understood that.

“It’s obvious that it hasn’t done much to help him. I don’t know if he is that type of person anyway. I’m just glad no one else was affected.”

Haworth was driving without a licence, in a borrowed car and with no insurance.