CHILDREN at Blackbird Leys Primary School took part in an amazing number of activities, despite being surrounded by builders.

As we recalled (Memory Lane, September 14), building work went on for more than four years after the school, in Wesley Close, opened in 1959.

But despite the disruption, pupils enjoyed school outings, Christmas concerts, camps at Hill End, an after-school club, cycling proficiency, football, netball, athletics, swimming, roller skating and ice skating.

The top class gymnastics team competed in the South of England championships and appeared on the BBC TV children’s programme, Blue Peter.

Deputy headmaster David Munday, who has supplied the pictures published here, recalls: “We even went by train from Morris Cowley station to Oxford, then on for the day to the Isle of Wight.”

Parents also gave great support to the school.

Carole Newbigging who, as Carole Young, attended the school, wrote in her book about Blackbird Leys, in the Changing Faces series: “The third annual dinner was held and over 70 adults attended.

“The staff gave a short entertainment entitled Slipped Disc.”

Mr Munday writes: “The school was an exciting challenge for all of us.

“Of course, there were difficulties, but these were far outweighed by the good times we had.

“The children were delightful and we laughed long and often.

“A colleague told me that the three years he spent teaching at Blackbird Leys were the happiest of his working life.

“Children, parents and staff all pulled together to make a very fine school.”

Any memories of Blackbird Leys Primary School?

And where are the children in the pictures now? Let us know