OLDER homeowners can now apply for loans to make their property warmer and safer.

New front doors, bathroom improvements and boilers are among the improvements that can be paid for with cash from Oxford City Council.

It has joined the Government’s Flexible Home Loan Scheme, launched with the aim of improving homes for the over-60s.

The council has a pot of more than £200,000 to lend.

Ed Turner, the council’s executive member for strategic housing, said: “This is an excellent scheme which means local authorities can help those in privately owned houses with a loan to carry out improvements.

“Residents will be able to apply for loans for a variety of things including bathroom improvements, new front doors or new boilers.

“We will then work out a repayment scheme to best suit the individual to ensure that they don’t get into financial difficulties.

“We want residents to be happy and comfortable in their own homes and this funding could help them with that.”

Residents can apply for a minimum of £1,000 and will be able to pay it back on a regular or irregular basis.

The amount borrowed could also be repaid from the proceeds of the sale of the property after the borrower dies or if they leave their home and go into long-term care.

Interest will be calculated relative to the Bank of England’s rates, but they will not drop below 3.5 per cent or rise above seven per cent, the council says.

Age Concern Oxfordshire chief executive Paul Cann said: “We support this initiative – feeling comfortable, safe and secure at home will increase health and well-being for people over 60.

“As we grow older we all need a home which can adapt to our needs and keep us warm and secure.”

To find out more about the scheme call the council on 01865 252887.