I thought I would share my view of the events that show the arrival of Autumn in Headington.

The Brookes students have arrived back from their summer haunts.

I have therefore just cancelled my milk delivery after nearly 30 years, as I’m fed up with it being stolen on a regular basis.

As my wife walked to work, she watched as people, waiting to catch a bus at the bottom of Lime Walk, were ignored as one bus passed laden with Brookes students.

They then got off at the next stop, leaving a now empty bus and frustrated passengers at all of the stops between the Brookes hall of residence in Hollloway and Gypsy Lane.

My neighbour walked to get his paper, meandering through piles of sick left the night before, presumably by the students who had stolen my milk to try and settle their stomachs.

Later, the same neighbour attempted to walk down Holloway but had to cross the road as the pavement was blocked by Brookes students waiting to board the bus that had left the other passengers stranded.

The rubbish has begun to pile up in my front garden as students leave their unwanted food wrappings for me to clear up.

We were on holiday last week and my neighbour had to attend to our car as the wing mirrors had been tampered with. presumably by a drunk, thieving, bus-hogging, sick-making, pavement-blocking, littering vandal.

I can’t wait for the extra 200 or so Brookes students who will soon move into the site of the old TA centre along Horspath Driftway.

Alun Davies, Headington