HUNDREDS of bikers rode out in the late-summer sunshine to a road-safety day in south Oxfordshire.

Experienced motorcyclists joined forces with representatives of the county council, the fire service and Thames Valley Police for the event at H Cafe, formerly Fox’s Diner, on the A4074, near Berinsfield on Saturday. The aim of the all-day event was to spread a message of responsible riding to teenagers and novice bikers.

Steve Abbott-Harding, from Berinsfield, leader of the H Riders’ motorcycle group, said: “It was a fantastic success. It was the first of many that we’ll be arranging at the cafe.

“I think there were 1,000 people in and out over the day.

“We want to get as many young riders to come through us as possible and get discounts at Abbey Motorcycle Instructors.

“We are all human and very approachable.

“We are trying to get that over to people and explain to them that we’re not Hell’s Angels.

“Our membership includes off-duty policemen, a magistrate, a couple of lawyers and some doctors, so it’s all walks of life.”

Mr Abbott-Harding, 58, added: “We had people from Oxfordshire County Council, the fire and rescue service and Nick Perks, from Abingdon roads policing.

Everybody mixed and had a great time. The weather is very important to our events and it was great.

“We’ll be holding another of these events in the spring and then again in the summer and autumn.

“We hold meets at the cafe every Monday night until the clocks go back on October 26.”

On Sunday, a 47-year-old man became the ninth biker to die on Oxfordshire roads this year, following a crash involving a car in Wretchwick Way at the junction with Peregrine Way, in Bicester.

The driver of the car, a 26-year-old man, was arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

He has been released on bail and must return to Banbury police station on October 31.

Mr Abbott-Harding said: “There are millions of cars out there and only the odd few that blank bikers – and there are millions of bikers and only a few that go up on the back wheel and cause a nuisance.”

For information about H Riders, which has more than 300 members, visit