Campaigners blockaded a county councillor’s home with cars this morning in protest over planned parking changes in their neighbourhood.

More than 20 people from the Iffley Fields area of Oxford arrived in convoy at Ian Hudspeth’s Bladon home at 7.15am to campaign against the proposed controlled parking zone.

Shortly after the protest Oxfordshire County Council spokesman Paul Smith revealed the news campaigners had been waiting for — officers were going to recommend Iffley Fields was dropped from the scheme ahead of the final decision on October 1.

Protestors chanted “no to CPZ” and called on the council to show “greater democracy” outside Mr Hudspeth’s home, who came out to meet them and answered questions.

Residents fear the plans would mean fewer parking spaces, encourage people to park on pavements and have a “devastating effect” on businesses. Permits would cost £40.

Mr Hudspeth, the county council's transport chief, said the protest was “good humoured”, adding he “welcomed” the chance to speak to residents.