Redundancy and pay freezes are on the cars for many of us so it is no wonder nine-out-of-ten adults are feeling the pressure at work and suffering from stress.

A recent study conducted by recruitment consultants Badenoch & Clark found that stress affects almost all employees, and that many of their worries stem from the current economic climate.

But despite the fact that stress is the single biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK - according to the Stress Management Society - it is easy not to take it seriously.

"Stress is what we feel when we believe we cannot cope with the demands facing us," explained co-author of Know Your Mind, Daniel Freeman.

"It is not healthy in the long term. As well as high blood pressure, prolonged stress can cause muscle fatigue and prevent the immune system from working effectively."

It can also lead to deeper psycological problems, he added. "People who are stressed can feel anxious, tense, lonely, isolated and experience a lack of concentration."

And if left untreated, more serious mental health problems such as depression and anxiety may develop.

As well as highlighting this growing health problem, the recent study also revealed a more worrying trend. Almost three quarters of employees the company surveyed felt they were unable to raise their concerns about their suffering from stress with their management.

Those interviewed felt they could not talk about their problems because they knew their bosses were also under immense pressure. They also thought that they would be seen as weak and nothing would come of it.

It seems that in a culture where hard work equals results, it can be difficult to admit that you are not coping with the demands of your job.

But as Amanda Falkson, psychotherapist and coach at explained, it is important to remember you are not alone.

"The worst thing you can do is to isolate yourself from this situation. Many of your colleagues will be going through a similar experience. Setting up a support group could be a good idea. This could be a place to help you talk through your anxieties and overcome them."

Stress is a word that is used all the time - but how do you know whether you are suffering from stress, or are simply under pressure at work?

Falkson explains that it is important to know how to identify signs of stress and treat them.

"Recognise the difference between day-to-day worries and feeling stressed. Neck and shoulder tension, needing more that that one drink, panic attacks and a change in eating habits is your body saying, 'Hang on something is wrong'. If the physical symptoms are jarring with you - don't ignore them," Faukson says.

"We are living in an atmosphere of fear with the recession and the pressures at work we face. Do not buy into that fear and listen to yourself internally more. Set yourself boundaries. There will always be a lot of work to do, so prioritise. Decide on the start and end time of your working day."

Falkson adds that it is important to be strict with yourself. Try simple things like listening to music in the morning when getting ready for work, rather than the news, to keep you calm and put you in a good frame of mind for the day ahead.

Employers should also play a part in a worker's wellbeing, and Falkson has advice for the bosses too: Praise should be given where deserved, appreciation of hard work should be demonstrated. Bosses should not expect staff to go the extra mile if they are not getting any support from them."

Falkson also advises staff not to depend on management to help them ease their stress but to take responsibility for themselves.

"Seek help from supportive colleagues, friends and family to help you overcome a tough time. Organisations like Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) may be offered at your company so speak to your Human Resources department to gain advice."

Stresss can be treated quickly and effectively if acknowledged in good time, she adds. Seeking advice from your GP may help deter severe mental health problems in the long run.