Sir – John Tanner (letter, June 25) is right to criticise the Conservative-controlled county council’s high-handed imposition of controlled parking zones on Oxford, where it has absolutely no electoral mandate.

At a packed meeting held by the Iffley Fields Residents’ Association on June 29, 104 people rejected the proposed CPZ outright, with just one in favour. Speaker after speaker condemned the plan as ill-conceived, environmentally unfriendly and unnecessary.

We received no satisfactory answers from the council’s contractor, especially on the vexed question of on-pavement parking, which will blight our lives.

We are particularly concerned that the laughably entitled ‘consultation’ process —collated by the contractors and decided upon behind closed doors by council members holding the transport portfolio — will reach a foregone conclusion.

We urgently demand a public meeting to confront those responsible for foisting this deeply unpopular scheme on us. Why are councillors Ian Hudspeth, Rodney Rose and others so frightened of exposing themselves to searching questions?

Peter Lewis Oxford