Sir – How ill informed is Tom Burns (letter, June 25) to state that NHS managers understand the vital need for green spaces, and in the same letter, want to sell Warneford Meadow for housing development.

As a former ‘inpatient’ at his hospital, the relief of being able to wander in the wild meadow with family and friends at least once a day, was a saving grace. Not only did it lift the spirits and calm the soul, it provided inspiration for painting, craft work and the written word during those interminable times on the ward and occupational therapy department. This was even in a six-week stay.

Professor Burns, as a consultant psychiatrist, seems to have little understanding for inner needs. Let him take some of his patients on exploratory walks in that paradise and see how much they appreciate such care.

I also know, as in the past I have been a regular visitor to inpatients. What a lift of the spirits it is for them to have half an hour in freedom of space exploring the meadow paths. This could still be part of the therapy, especially for those patients who spend months in the hospital.

As for improved facilities, it is Government funds that should be put to help society’s most neglected members, and not by wrecking your own hospital grounds. Name and address supplied