News that discussions have taken place behind closed doors about creating a “super academy” for four to 18-year-olds in Oxford will shock and disturb parents.

The story we publish today about plans hatched inside County Hall for a so-called “all through” academy, is their attempt to address dire educational standards.

It is also seen by some as a way of increasing capacity for reception-age children in city primary schools.

As we revealed last week, St Christopher’s Primary School in Temple Cowley was put into special measures – now speculation is rife the school will merge with Oxford Community School to form another academy.

A letter has been sent to parents from governors warning them St Christopher’s will close next year, when it would become part of a super academy.

Oxfordshire County Council is keen on academies, a very Nu Labour idea, but the Local Education Authority — in this case the county council — has no real control over academy budgets or its staffing.

In the case of the recently-opened Oxford Academy, bodies like Diocese of Oxford and Oxford Brookes are relied upon to pump hundreds of thousands of pounds into making it work. But for what in return?

The idea of four-year-olds mixing with 18-year-olds will disturb some parents, who are right to voice their concerns.