A couple posing as builders conned their way into a house in Church View, Bampton, and stole cash and credit cards.

The man and a woman entered the property at 3pm yesterday by claiming to be carrying out building work nearby and needing to look out the back window. Credit cards and £200 in cash were stolen.

The man is described as in his thirties, tall with stocky build and a tan. The woman was also described as in her thirties with auburn hair and wearing red shorts and a white patterned top.

Det Sgt Craig Kirby, head of the Priority Crime Team, said: “We would advise people to be alert to this type of offence. Make sure that your home is secure and that doors and windows are shut and locked.

“Always take precautions when letting anyone into your home and be sure to ask for identification from any caller. Any genuine caller will be more than happy to wait while you check their legitimacy, and if you still have concerns then you shouldn’t hesitate to contact the police.”

If you saw anyone matching these descriptions in the area during this time or have any other information please contact Det Sgt Kirby via the Police Enquiry Line on 08458 505 505.