ARMED police swooped on a Oxford riverbank in the hunt for a man wanted for questioning follow a murder in East Oxford.

Devon McPherson, 42, died after he was stabbed in the neck two and half weeks ago. The father-of-eight, of Divinity Road, in east Oxford, was seen arguing with someone shortly before he staggered, bleeding, into the Regal nightclub. He died at the John Radcliffe Hospital.

A specialist search team and armed response unit combed the towpath alongside the River Thames at Donnington Bridge between 8pm and 10pm on Wednesday, after an anonymous tip-off to Crimestoppers that a suspect, who goes by the name of Champagne, was sleeping rough by the river.

A mile-long stretch of the towpath was closed for about two hours.

Det Ch Insp Mick Saunders, of Major Crime, said: “Each call has to be taken seriously. A team of six officers, together with armed support, carried out a search which revealed no evidence to support the proposition that the man had been in the area.

“I would like to thank all those who have responded so far and remind people that the man we would like to speak to is black, of medium build, with dark, cropped hair and speaks with a heavy Jamaican accent.”

The police have also had reports of the suspect in Luton, at a shop in central Oxford, and in London.

Anyone with information should contact police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.