GRACIOUS in defeat? Not so for Manchester Utd. The whole team just stood there petulant. There was not even a handshake offered from prima donna Ronaldo and team mate Rooney. Just a look that said “that should have been ours” but it wasn’t theirs.

Unlike Everton on Saturday, who were gracious in defeat: a reconciled slap on the back, “well done”, is what they said.

Isn’t it time Man U. grew up?

Overpaid players who expect silverware to drop at their feet would do well to realise money doesn’t buy results.

What was missing on Wednesday was heart, that intangible thing that money can’t buy.

Barcelona took the sting out of them like a boxer not allowing his opponent to find his range then punishing him, but even a defeated boxer congratulates the winner.

Man Utd. may lord it in the British Premier League, but they were made to look average in Europe.

If they don’t learn from it (and I believe they won’t) then they will suffer the same fate again and again until they do.

BOB VINCENT, Manzil Way, Oxford