“THE DEAL was good for taxpayers”. The statement came from my MP Evan Harris. Very few MPs can say that and he is not one of them. Does he think we are stupid?

Firstly he sells his flat to family. He wouldn’t declare what his new flat cost. But it is costing the tax payer £2,000 more in mortgage interest, plus £4,500 more for service and maintenance.

He then states in the Oxford Mail he is not now claiming for food. But the previous three years he claimed £4,800 a year. I pay for food out of my pension. What do other Abingdon pensioners think?

What about payback?

He then claims for a new kettle, iron, carpets, telephone and electrical equipment. Did they all break down together? That cost the taxpayer another £3,163. Did he leave the old kettle, iron and so on in the flat he sold to his parents, for an excellent price for Westminster?

There are other things he should answer for when he meets the voters. He should face the people of Abingdon to answer questions.

I will not agree with his statement that “the deal was good for taxpayers”.

D MACARTHUR, Glyme Close, Abingdon