AN OUT-OF-WORK truck driver who turned his hand to volunteering at his local Oxfam shop raised more than £1,000 after walking 150 miles to the charity’s hometown of Oxford.

Brian MacIntosh, 32, was laid off from his job as an HGV driver at a recycling plant in Wallasey, near Liverpool, at the beginning of the year.

Keen to keep occupied, the father-of-one took voluntary work at an Oxfam shop and loved it so much he decided to do something big for the charity.

Last Friday, the former soldier left his home in the North West and began the 150-mile walk to Oxford, stopping at a dozen Oxfam shops. He arrived at Oxford’s Broad Street branch yesterday.

He said: “The distances have varied, but it’s been about 20 to 30 miles a day. On Tuesday I walked through the night from Worcester to be at Oxford for the morning — that was about 46 or 47 miles.”

He added: “I’ve had a really positive reaction from people along the way. One couple in Shrewsbury offered me a barbecue, a place to sleep for the night — which I accepted — and ended up sponsoring me £300. The reception in Oxford was brilliant and I’ve been given a tour of the head office in Cowley.”

Mr MacIntosh is now looking at working for a charity full time.