Thames Valley Police Authority has appointed a new Assistant Chief Constable, responsible for Local Policing.

Steve Rowell, who comes from his role as Acting Assistant Chief Constable (Operations) at West Midlands Police, took up his new appointment with Thames Valley Police on Monday.

A police spokesman said local policing HQ provides the co-ordination of policy and practice for a wide variety of general policing issues which are carried out across the force’s five Basic Command Units and 16 Local Police Areas.

He said: "Local Policing researches, develops and disseminates good practice across the force providing consultancy support and practical help to local management teams and operational officers.

"Local Policing provides the strategic lead on matters as wide-ranging as Neighbourhood Policing, the Extended Policing Family, Crime Reduction, Strategic Partnerships, Drugs, Diversity, Youth Justice and the Prevention of Violent Extremism."

Mr Rowell, 49, has almost 28 years police service, all with West Midlands Police.

He carried out a number of operational roles in uniform and as a detective up to the rank of Detective Chief Inspector.

He became Superintendent, Operations Manager at Dudley South and was later promoted to Chief Superintendent at Stechford police station. He led for the force in improving inter-agency practices around persons suffering mental illness.

He is a qualified and experienced firearms, public order and sporting events commander. Married with two teenage sons, Steve lists his hobbies as running, skiing and mountain walking.

He said: “I am really pleased to be joining Thames Valley Police. Of particular importance for me will be the delivery of the force's Policing Pledge and the extent to which local people have confidence in the service provided by us and our partners.”

Chief Constable Sara Thornton said: “I am delighted that Steve is coming to Thames Valley. He will take on the Local Policing portfolio, responsible for neighbourhood policing and the Basic Command Units, and I look forward to him joining us.

"Steve comes with considerable experience in running a police area for five years in Birmingham and I think he will be an excellent addition to the chief officer team.”

Thames Valley Police Authority Chairman Khan Juna said: “I am looking forward to working with Steve over the coming years. His experience in the West Midlands will be valuable in undertaking the ACC local policing role in Thames Valley and I am sure he will be an asset to both the force and all communities in the region.”