Emergency services are at the scene of a chemical spillage in a van outside United Parcel Services (UPS) in Milton Park.

Police were called at 7.50am by the Fire Service to assist with assessing and managing the situation. The entrance to UPS was closed and a cordon put in place while the emergency services made the area safe.

Sgt Greg Stewart, of Abingdon police station, said: “We have found out that the spillage is of a low toxicity chemical called sodium disilicate which is a washing powder additive and not hazardous.

“Six people reported suffering from effects of the chemical, including having itchy eyes and skin irritations but these people have been seen by paramedics and require no further treatment.

“I would like to reassure residents that there are no harmful side effects to being in contact with this chemical and we have staff from our control room calling anyone who might have phoned in with concerns this morning.”

The entrance to UPS will remain closed while the Fire Service clear up the remnants of the chemical.

If anyone feels concerned and would like to speak to the police, then contact 0845 8 505 505.