Five people have suffered minor injuries in a suspected chemical incident at Milton Park industrial estate near Didcot today.

Emergency services were called to the package-handling firm UPS at 95 Milton Park shortly after 7.46am.

Vicky Brandon, a spokesman for Thames Valley Police, said: “Five people suffered minor skin irritation after police were called to an incident involving a sodium-type powder.”

A spokesman for South Central Ambulance confirmed that paramedics were called to the incident at the package handling firm.

As about 20 staff from the packaging firm gathered outside, paramedics offered to give them treatment if they needed it.

The spokesman added: “Staff are on standby at the moment at a rendezvous point.”

Mike Clayden, a police community support officer from Wantage Police, said: “We do have a chemical spill of an unknown origin and we are trying to find out what it is.”

No-one from Oxfordshire Fire Service was available for comment.