THE former home of novelist Graham Greene and the family of Cardinal John Henry Newman is to be the setting for a series of workshops involving naked bodies and paint.

Former porn star Annie Sprinkle and her partner Elizabeth Stephens will be hosting a week-long workshop, which holds out the prospect of Making Love into Art and Art into Love, at Grove House in Iffley, Oxford, from Monday.

Over the week, guests will be invited to make prints using their naked bodies to decorate the walls of the Rotunda at Grove House.

Things will culminate on Sunday when the couple will hold their own blue wedding when, as “eco-sexual brides”, they will “make sacred vows to their lover, the sky”.

Blue Wedding is the latest love art project, from the couple who specialise in interactive performance art, with organisers promising “an extraordinary day of art, performance, fun and celebration.”

The week-long workshop, costing £180, will include a “show and tell” evening when the women share their experiences of working with their Love Art lab.

Writer and historian Julie Summers, who lives in Iffley, said: “It sounds an amazing concept, pushing the boundaries of art in a way that Graham Greene would not have imagined.”

The public is invited to go to the wedding on Sunday and sip blue bubbly.