TENS of thousands of voters are expected to go to the ballot box in Oxfordshire today for the county council and European elections.

Voters are advised to bring their polling card to their local polling station, although without their card they will still be able to vote as long as they are on the electoral register.

Polling stations are open from 7am until 10pm.

Thames Valley Police last night said it was working to ensure the elections were “free and fair”.

Det Insp Dave Edmondson, of the economic crime unit, said: “We have no specific intelligence to indicate these elections will suffer from any irregularity or electoral fraud.

“But it is important people know we have the staff, resources and skills to investigate crimes of this nature should the need arise.”

There are hundreds of polling stations across the county.

Tory leader David Cameron and his wife voting at their local polling station

Steven Corrigan, democratic services manager at South Oxfordshire District Council, above, said: “It’s been a busy week. We have been getting all the ballot boxes, ballot papers and stationery ready for the day, and training staff. It’s been a lot of work.

“It would be nice to have a good turn-out. It’s important people vote and it’s important our staff have something to do rather than sit around all day.”

Public anger over MPs’ expenses was evident yesterday at Steventon, where Liam Woods spotted this sign, right. He joked: “I think the politicians will get a warm friendly welcome – and may even get a receipt with their meal.”