A retired teacher fears burglars may have staked out her house before stealing thousands of pounds worth of collectable china.

Rosemary Harris, of Stonesfield, said she had been left terrified after burglars got in through a window and emptied glass cabinets containing around £15,000-worth of Clarice Cliff pottery, including plates, a biscuit barrel, jugs, vases and tea pots.

Police believe the ceramics may now be on sale in the area and urged anyone who has been offered them to contact them immediately.

All the pieces stolen are in an Art Deco style with bright patterns. About 30 items were taken.

Police believe the burglars struck some time between midday and 3pm on Wednesday, May 27.

Mrs Harris said: “I was only out for lunch with a friend for a few hours. When I got home the cabinets were open and everything was gone.

“They were all stored in glass cabinets and I suppose you could have seen them if you looked hard through the window, but I don’t know why anyone would do that.

“It is obvious they were going straight for the Clarice Cliff. They didn’t touch anything else.”

The former deputy headteacher of Charlbury Primary School said she started collecting chinaware 15 years ago as an investment.

Mrs Harris added: “It is very worrying. It’s a horrible feeling to think that someone might have been watching me and my movements.

“The place wasn’t trashed, but it has made me jumpy at the slightest sound. It was a dreadful shock when I first came in.

“Someone must have known about my collection, but it was never something I made public or really talked about.”

Pc Craig Kirby appealed for anyone who saw suspicious activity in the village at the time of the burglary, or had been offered any of the Clarice Cliff items, to call them on 0845 8505505.
