A FATHER-of-two outraged by the MPs’ expenses scandal is to fight Wantage MP Ed Vaizey for his seat at the next General Election.

Human resources manager Steve Moore said he felt let down by Mr Vaizey, after it emerged he had used taxpayers’ money to buy luxury and antique furniture for his home in Letcombe Bassett near Wantage.

Mr Moore plans to challenge the Tory as an Independent and says if he was voted in, he would keep only his present home, at Aldworth Avenue, Wantage, and commute to London by train.

Mr Vaizey has insisted his claims were legitimate but repaid £2,000 spent on furnishing his second house because of the outcry over MPs’ behaviour.

Mr Moore, who is married with two children, said: “I believe that it is time for real people who fundamentally care about the places that they live in, who want to support their communities and act in the best interests of their constituents in Parliament, are elected as MPs.

“The scandal is disgusting and Ed Vaizey is rolled up in that, but I feel more depressed than anything else.

“Our politicians are a laughing stock.

“I feel let down by Ed Vaizey, and it reinforces my cynicism about current politicians. It’s a bit of a slap in the face for democracy. It knocks your faith in the system and it makes you doubt who MPs are really working for.”

The 33-year-old, who earns £38,000 a year, said: “My whole principle is being involved in where you live.

“My agenda would be to represent the local people on issues they want represented.”

Mr Vaizey said he felt very strongly embedded in his constituency, which stretches from Faringdon to Wallingford.

He added: “I work hard for the community all year round. Like all Oxfordshire MPs, I have a base in the constituency and in London.

“This has never been an issue until now.”