MY RECENT appearance on Britain’s Got Talent was the most nerve-wracking, rollercoaster ride I have ever experienced. If I could do it all again I damn well would! I know Oxford has many talented people living behind their bedroom curtains, singing into the hair brush, and dancing away to their favourite music.

If you have the guts, I say go for it, or you will regret it. It tests you on many levels.

To make it big in showbiz, you have to take the ups and downs. I’m just glad I have bi-polar disorder to deal with the emotions!

My book In 2 Minds, is selling well, but I am saddened to hear of rumours being spread about me.

Some people are saying I lied in my book about being bullied at school, but I wrote it as a self-help book in 2007 and it was published long before I was on TV.

I have to say to all of those people who are jealous of my success – "Get a life!"

To all those great people in Blackbird Leys who have come up to me and congratulated me, and said they voted, I am very grateful to you all.

It means a lot to me.

Fabia Cerra, Blackbird Leys, Britain’s Got Talent semi-finalist