Thames Valley Police said they would be working to ensure tomorrow's local council and European Parliament elections are free and fair.

Officers will be doing everything possible to prevent electoral fraud in the Thames Valley.

Det Insp Dave Edmondson, of the Economic Crime Unit, said: “We have no specific intelligence to indicate that these elections will suffer from any irregularity or electoral fraud.

“An election is arguably the most important event in a democracy and we seek to reassure people that we are ready to investigate and appropriately deal with allegations of fraud in the run up to, or on, Election Day itself.

“It is important that the public know that we have the staff, resources and skills to investigate crimes of this nature should the need arise.

“We will be watching closely and if any offences are discovered we will be prosecuting those responsible.”

Officers from the Force’s Economic Crime Unit will have overall responsibility for investigating electoral crime in conjunction with their local colleagues.

The force has teams of specialist investigators and forensic experts on hand who are experienced at dealing with all types of fraud and who will help with an investigation.

Officers in areas where there is an election will be making contact with council staff and returning officers to ensure that if there are concerns about irregularities that they are identified and acted upon quickly.