We are used to seeing our ancient buildings preserved in good repair, so it is a shock to see the state of the derelict Abbey Buildings in Abingdon before the Second World War.

A picture dating from 1938, and one showing the buildings proudly restored, appear in More of Abingdon Past & Present, a collection of photographs by Judy Thomas and Elizabeth Drury.

They describe how the bakehouse was used as a prison and gaoler’s house for many years and the granary converted into cottages.

One was occupied by old Mrs Williams, who made and sold boiled sweets. The buildings — all that remained of the great Abbey of Abingdon — were saved from demolition by the Friends of Abingdon.

They now house the Unicorn Theatre, while the bakehouse is occupied by the curator and acts as the Friends’ office.

The book is full of such before-and-after shots, which the authors have collected from local residents, including one now living in the USA, and from local newspapers and other sources.

The book is available from Abingdon bookshops, the Abingdon Museum or by post from St Helen Publishing, 33 East St Helen Street, Abingdon, OX14 5EE at £14, including post. Call 01235 553636 for details.