It does not matter which political party you support, nobody can condone the recent behaviour of those MPs who have taken advantage of a system for claiming second home expenses, introduced by Thatcher in place of giving MPs a pay increase.

Perhaps that’s why it was left so open-ended, that you could drive a bus through it.

After all is said and done the system appears to be nothing more than a licence to print money.

These people are already in receipt of almost £65,000 a year as a minimum (£1,250 per week) with very much more for those who reach the higher echelons of political life.

Irrespective of your political colour, all those under suspicion in this disgraceful affair should be subject to police investigation and prosecution as necessary. Those found guilty must be banned from holding any public office ever again. But I doubt if that will ever happen.

Perhaps now is the time to inspect everyone who represents our people both locally and at national level that is paid expenses from the public purse?.

Andrew Smith has come clean about his second home expenses but did not claim all the £24,222 per year he could have, as did so many others.

Claiming £73,869 of the maximum £96,888 cumulative over the four-year period quoted 2004/2008. £23,869 less than the maximum. On the other hand, Cameron claimed £82,450, only £14,438 less than the maximum, £96,888.

What should be instigated next? MPs’ directorships? Now that would be interesting.

DAVE ROBINSON Meaden Hill Headington, Oxford