Whimsical, sensual, witty, intriguing . . . Pia de Richemont’s Stilettos in the Key of G, which premiered last Friday, is all of these things, and the result is a powerful, gripping and extraordinary drama. Described as a “play within a concert, a concert within a play”, Stilettos in the Key of G explores the memories and emotions aroused when a musician and a sculptor meet by chance at a concert. The sculptor becomes enthralled by the musician, who becomes her new muse; meanwhile, the musician finds that the encounter takes his own creativity to a new level.

The piece largely takes the form of a monologue, delivered with style and precision by Pia de Richemont, who successfully engages the audience’s attention by taking on a variety of different personae and ensuring that the pace never falters for a moment. Blending in seamlessly are musical numbers such as the Dance Russe from Stravinsky’s Petrouchka, Mussorgsky’s Pictures from an Exhibition and various sonatas, nocturnes and impromptus by Haydn, Chopin and Schubert, all played with passion and energy by pianist Bobby Chen. In fact, much of the joy of this production lies in the sheer quality of Chen’s musicianship.

Tying in with the production is an exhibition of Pia’s sculptures and paintings, which reflect the passionate and sensual nature of her play, while demonstrating her extraordinary range of techniques.Stilettos in the Key of G is repeated on Saturday at 11am. On the same day there is a piano masterclass with Bobby Chen and creative workshop with Pia de Richemont, both at 2pm, and a solo recital by Bobby Chen at 4pm. Cream teas are available as part of full-day or half-day packages. Box office: 01865 305305. For full details, or to book online, visit www.st-hildas.ox.ac.uk/jdp. Stilettos in the Key of G: The Exhibition is on until July 29, 10am-4pm; admission free.