Sir – I am pleased that Eddie Duller (Letters, May 28) recognises my consistent voting record in arguing for transparency of Parliamentary allowances and expenses.

I was one of only a handful of MPs who turned up on a Friday, last May, in an unsuccessful attempt to ‘talk out’ and vote down David McLean’s Private Member’s Bill to exempt Parliament from the Freedom of Information Act.

I’ve also voted consistently for pay and pension restraint. Mr Duller can see from my website that my second home claims in 2008-9 were less than two thirds of the permitted maximum.

He should also note that for most of my time in Parliament I refused to claim any mileage expenses because the reimbursement rate was ludicrously high, but I voted successfully to reduce it.

He raises a fair question about why I and the other Oxfordshire MPs use the second home allowance (in my case, for a flat near Westminster), instead of commuting.

But the problem is that on at least two nights a week, we have votes at 10pm, and in my case, being on two Select Committees means I start work early the next morning.

Having said that, on many occasions I do return (by train) to Oxford in the evening for meetings with constituents, before returning for the 10pm vote.

If Parliamentary hours are reformed, or hostel-type accommodation was offered to all MPs, I could certainly do without the second home allowance.

Dr Evan Harris, Liberal Democrat MP for Oxford West and Abingdon