Sir – The voice of both past and present Brookes students in the on-going debate about the University’s plans to upgrade its campus in Headington is in danger of being lost. There are, after all, almost 50,000 Brookes students and graduates living in Oxfordshire.

As current and former Presidents of Oxford Brookes Students’ Union, we would like to express our support for the University’s plans to upgrade its facilities in Headington.

We know that there are genuine concerns associated with the student population — especially so in a densely populated city like Oxford. As representatives of the students we have all worked hard to promote mutual understanding and resolve problems as they arise.

However, the attempt by some members of residents’ associations in and around Headington to campaign against the University to prevent it from providing better facilities for its students strikes us as unfair, especially when based on inaccuracy and misinformation.

We believe that the vast majority of students should not be judged on the actions of a small minority and that this development will benefit students of the University for many years to come.

Lina Mughal, Oxford Brookes Students’ Union President 2008/09

Abeiku Sarbah, President-Elect 2009/10

Antoinette Kyuchukova, President 2007/08

Jon Lucas, President 2005/06

Louise Slator, President 2004/05

Amy Hind, President 2003/04