Sir – I refer to last week’s letters. I am saddened that Janet Beer, etc. have missed the point of the current campaign against the proposed new student centre at Oxford Brookes.

None have addressed our concerns regarding the height and bulk of the hideous skyscraper that they want to erect on the Gipsy Lane campus. This multi-purpose student centre is an assault on our quality of life bringing, as it will, more ugliness, more light pollution, more noise and more traffic to an already congested site.

It’s hard to believe that people of some eminence and intelligence have not understood our objections.

Instead, they have chosen to interpret it as a whinge against students and the university in general.

Let us not lose sight of the real issues: the proposed monstrosity.

We need Brookes and I like students but I hate what this building will do for our neighbourhood, the university and for the architecture of Oxford.

Margaret Conway, Headington