A teenage gang is thought to have carried out two violent robberies in Oxford.

A 23-year-old was attacked by about half-a-dozen teenagers in Boundary Brook Road, Cowley, at about 11.30pm yesterday.

One of them tried to grab his mobile phone then knocked him to the ground and kicked him.

He was taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital with head injuries.

The main attacker was about 5ft 11in and of medium build. He was wearing black clothing and a black baseball cap.

About one hour later, a 23-year-old man was walking in Copse Lane, Headington, when he was approached by a group of teenage boys, aged between about 14 and 16.

They forced him to hand over his mobile phone, wallet and iPod.

The gang then marched him to the BP Garage, in Cherwell Drive, and forced him to withdraw £230.

Dc Rob Barratt said: “We're keeping an open mind as to whether these two incidents are linked.

"I'm especially keen to speak to a taxi driver who was parked by the BP garage at the time of the offence.

“Both these incidents have obviously left the victims shaken. I appeal to anyone who was in Oxford, either late last night or in the early hours of this morning, and saw a group of teenagers acting suspiciously, to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with information should call Dc Barratt on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.