Lea Lukk (Oxford Mail May 19) was spot-on in reminding us that we need to be prepared for difficult situations, should they arrive.

Oxfordshire County Council is working with district, town and parish councils to promote resilience in the community, amongst the local business sector as well as to individuals.

We’ve recently published a template community emergency plan for use by parish and town councils, community organisations and local groups who might want to get together and plan for the unexpected.

However, what’s equally important is personal resilience – making sure our families are prepared to respond to emergencies.

There are some simple steps to take for example, be ready for the weather – be it snow, floods or heatwave conditions, consider in advance the impact on travel, work and property. Think of your home – know how to prepare your house and make sure you have adequate insurance.

Prepare your family – keep a record of key contact numbers and make sure the family know how to respond to emergencies.

We will continue to plan for emergencies and prepare information for residents; the Oxfordshire County Council website has a link to the new community emergency plan template, which has a range of information on how to prepare and it also signposts to other agencies. It’s a good starting point in being prepared!

Bethan Morgan, County Emergency Planning Officer, Oxfordshire County Council, Emergency Planning Unit, Woodeaton Manor, Oxford