It is National Volunteer Week and I wanted to take this opportunity to show my appreciation for the hard work and dedication shown by the volunteers at the Independent Advice Centre in Wantage.

Much publicity has been given to the many people suffering hard times in the current economic downturn, but I want to highlight the volunteers working under extreme pressure to support those in need.

We now have 26 volunteer advisers (eight more than this time last year) between them giving 130 hours a week of their time to support over a £1m of debt as well as offering advice on welfare benefits, employment issues and much, much more.

In addition a further 37 wonderful volunteer drivers have 125 trips a week taking the elderly and infirm to the doctors, dentists, to collect shopping and their pensions. As a result of the good neighbourly acts our drivers also offer, we have now set up a good neighbour scheme with a dedicated co-ordinator and good neighbours.

I want to thank all the volunteers, advisers, drivers, admin support and management committee members for the invaluable contribution they make to the local community and trust that in these difficult times their hard work and dedication is particularly appreciated.

If anyone is interested in volunteering please ring Emma or Wendy on (01235) 765348.

Emma Kahlon, Manager, The Independent Advice Centre, Market Place, Wantage