I find myself smiling with pleasure at the beautiful picture of Leafield Church (Oxford Mail, May 20), taken by our clever young relative David Tinson of Witney. This is what overseas visitors come to see — brings balm to the soul.

Such a contrast to the ugly, angry mood of the public at present, over politicians fiddling their expenses. The brazen stance taken by Hazel Blears, Margaret Beckett and Jacqui Smith, is unbelievable and they are not alone. Reform is urgently needed in many other areas. Bankers continue to pay themselves astronomical sums, solicitors continue to ‘misuse’ the legal aid system, sadly, even doctors are on the gravy train — MEPs continue to be suspect and our ‘envy of the world’ police force seems to have lost it. The heartfelt cry from Joe Public must be — enough is enough, may we have a return to honesty and decency forthwith.

The few public servants who are 100 per cent trustworthy, may not heed this call, of course.

Val Faulkner, Raymond Road, Bicester