A constant theme in modern British politics is hypocrisy. In the current crisis the political classes are thrashing about to shift blame from themselves. In that process the hypocrisy reaches new heights.

David Cameron’s convolutions are part of that process. His call “to take power away from the political elite, and hand it to the man and woman in the street” has a hollow ring in Oxford.

No Conservative gets elected in Oxford city, yet a rural political elite comprised overwhelmingly of Conservative county councillors charge us to park in our streets, closes our middle schools, our elderly persons’ home and imposes traffic schemes on this city.

All of the above are done in the face of majority public opinion in this city. As an Oxfordshire MP, Mr Cameron can start the process of handing back power to the people of Oxford, and take it away from a rural political elite, most of whom belong to his party.

I guarantee that he will not do that and is guilty of empty, hypocritical, rhetoric.

John Power, Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford