A BICYCLE made of bamboo, a hybrid car and circus walkers on stilts will be part of the entertainment for this year’s Headington Festival.

The annual event, which takes place in Bury Knowle Park, London Road, on Sunday, usually attracts 3,000 people and will this year be based on the theme On the Move.

Co-ordinator Mel Dodds said: “I think there is definitely more of a buzz about it this year. We have had an overwhelming response from local businesses and groups and we are going to have 40 stalls compared to 28 last year.

“There is a lot more interest, so all we need now is some good weather.”

To tie in with the On the Move concept, there will be a classic car display, a hybrid car on show, and an eco-friendly bicycle made from bamboo.

It will also act as the launch of the Headington Car Club, which offers members the chance to rent a car for as little as an hour and follows on from a similar group launched in East Oxford last November.

Mrs Dodds said: “We have got everything from water play for the younger kids, to the fun fair to older teenagers, and the dads always love trying their hand at the welly-wanging.

“It’s just a great fun day out for the family.”

She added: “It’s a bit like a village fete – but on a much grander scale, because it fills the whole of Bury Knowle Park.”

Live music from the likes of Headington Hillbillies and Oxford Gospel Choir will be performed throughout the day, and children are invited to come in fancy dress to take part in a parade at 2pm.

There will be a circus workshop, magic shows, and a recycling challenge organised by Orinoco.

Prizes will be offered for the best welly-wanger, the most impressive fancy dress and for the winner of the recycling challenge.

Many of the activities going on throughout the day, which runs between 1pm and 5pm, will be free of charge.

The whole event costs about £7,000 to put on, with funding coming from Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire Community Foundation and the Doris Field Charitable Trust.

Organisers launched an appeal for funds in April and Mrs Dodds said the response had been good.

She said: “Some cuts have been made but only to things like the size of the programme.

“We could have spent more on things like banners and posters but there will be no impact on the fun of the festival itself.”

For more details, go to headington festival.com fbardsley@oxfordmail.co.uk